Plot a low-dimensional embedding of the cells, coloured by expression percentile of a gene, of the total expression of a group of marker genes.

tsneByPercentileMarkerExpression(seurat, genes, reduction = "tsne",
  label = TRUE, palette = "blues", title = NULL, alpha = TRUE,
  legend = TRUE, legend_options = "percentiles", point_size = 1,
  label_repel = TRUE, label_size = 4, extra = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE, hide_ticks = FALSE, label_short = FALSE,
  dim1 = 1, dim2 = 2)



Seurat object, where dimensionality reduction has been applied, i.e. (after applying Seurat::RunPCA() or Seurat::RunTSNE() to the object)


String or character vector specifying gene(s) to use


Logical, whether to label clusters on the plot. Default: TRUE.


String or character vector. If a string, one of "viridis", "blues", or "redgrey", specifying which gradient palette to use. Otherwise, a character vector of colours (from low to high) to interpolate to create the scael. Default: "blues".


(Optional) string used as title for the plot.


Logical, whether to vary the alpha (point opacity) with percentile group to highlight cells in the top percentiles. If FALSE, sets a fixed opacity of 0.8. Default: TRUE.


Logical, whether to plot the legend. Default: FALSE.


String, "percentiles" or "values". Default: "percentiles".


Numeric, size of points in scatterplot. Default: 1. (A smaller value around 0.5 is better for plots which will be viewed at small scale.)


Logical, if label is TRUE, whether to plot cluster labels repelled from the center, on a slightly transparent white background and with an arrow pointing to the cluster center. If FALSE, simply plot the cluster label at the cluster center. Default: TRUE.


Numeric, controls the size of text labels. Default: 4.


Logical, plot a detailed three-panel plot, where the first is a proportional bar plot of cells in each cluster in each percentile group, the second is a ridge plot showing density in each cluster of the mean expression of the markers (coloured by median percentile group within the cluster), and the third is the labelled tSNE plot coloured by percentiles. Requires label = TRUE. Default: FALSE. Default: FALSE.


Logical, whether to print status updates. Default: FALSE.


Logical, whether to hide axis ticks. Default: FALSE


(Optional/Experimental!!) Logical, if TRUE, assumes clusters (at seurat@ident) consist of a prefix and a suffix separated by a non-alpha numeric character ("[^[:alnum:]]+"), and tries to separate these names and only plot the prefix, for shorter labels and a cleaner plot. Default: FALSE.


A ggplot object


tsneByPercentileMarkerExpression(pbmc, "IL32")
dashboard(pbmc, "IL32", title = "Test dashboard")
#> Warning: Column `Cell` joining character vector and factor, coercing into character vector
#> Picking joint bandwidth of 1.08
feature(pbmc, "IL32")