Compute a correlation matrix of gene expression. For matrices, this function will correlate the columns; for Seurat objects, this function automatically retrieves the cluster means of the provided genes using meanClusterExpression, and then correlates the cluster means.

correlateExpression(s1, s2, genes, from_sp, to_sp, return_input = FALSE)



A Seurat object, or a gene x cluster/sample matrix giving mean cluster/sample expression for dataset 1. If a matrix, rownames should be gene symbols. This dataset will form the x-axis of the plot; column names will be pulled from the column names of this object.


A Seurat object, or a gene x cluster/sample matrix giving mean cluster/sample expression for dataset 2. This dataset will form the y-axis of the plot; row names will be pulled from the column names of this object.


Character vector of genes, in the same species as s1.


Species of s1


Species of s2. If different from from_sp, conversion of gene names will be handled automatically.


Character, one of "pearson", "kendall", "spearman", specifying the method to use for the correlations. Default: "spearman"


# Compute pairwise correlations between clusters in pbmc # NOT RUN # correlateExpression(s1 = pbmc, # s2 = pbmc, # genes = head(rownames(, 100), # from_sp = "hg", # to_sp = "hg")